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Cercetare de marketing

Marketing research

Consultanţă în afaceri




Marketing public

Marketing in sector public

Dezvoltare internaţională

Dezvoltare internationala

Soluţii financiare

solutii financiare

Business consulting comes as the continuance of market research and ensures sustainable optimization of organizations' resources from the public and private sector. Personnel selection and its effective integration for the increasing of efficiency of the company are the internal keystones for the input of a sustainable development. In addition to these, consulting is a tool for the identification of relevant information, which interpreted professional and followed by a strategic planning - lead to a science-based approach, guaranteeing the increase of ROI (return on investment).

We transform figures into strategies which results in business opportunities. We ask the environment the right questions and offer our customers the right answers so they can be more competitive.

We provide business plans and marketing plans in relation to:
• Other departments of the company;
• A refundable credit institution;
• An institution that provides sources of funding grants.

Legături utile


Ne ajutăm clienții să-și vadă consumatorii cu ochi noi, să-și vadă concurenții cu mai multă claritate și pe ei înșiși – mai obiectiv.


Ne adaptăm abordarea pentru a se potrivi cât mai bine cu nevoile unice ale clienţilor noştri.

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